SMM agency "InstaBoost" represented by individual entrepreneur ELENA MCHEDLISHVILI (Georgia registration certificate №259-00690) hereinafter referred to as "contractor", on the one hand, and the user of this Internet resource (you), hereinafter referred to as user, on the other hand, and collectively referred to as "parties", enter into this agreement as follows:
1. Terms and definitions used in this Agreement
"Customer" - the user of the site who orders the provision of services by the contractor;
"Contractor" - a person (group of persons) who provides services to the user;
"Content" - for the purposes of this Agreement, Content means content published on an Internet resource (social network or social service) in the form of a file (image, video, music, sound, graphic image, etc.), which can be displayed on electronic computers (computers) and /or with the help of mobile devices that allow you to play this type of content. For the purposes of this Agreement, Content also includes the Client's account created in a particular social network/social service, the content posted on it in whole or in part;
"Promotion" - artificial promotion of the content posted by the user on a thirdparty Internet resource (social network or social service), on a specific service defined by the contract between the contractor by collecting the number of views of that content by users. and user and/or artificially create interest of users of this or that resource in user content placed on such resource in order to attract and/or increase/gain subscribers, ratings, likes, users, etc. For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Boost" shall have the same meaning;
"Payment aggregator" - a special service, in the presence of which the user has the opportunity to make payments with bank cards or using electronic payment systems;
"Governing Law" - the law of the state and its subjects (territories, states, colonies, etc.) used to evaluate the actions of the parties to the agreement, to resolve disputes and to interpret the terms of this agreement. The legislation in force on UK and EU legislation its subjects. By placing an order with INSTABOOST LTD, you agree that the sale is made in UK. These Term and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the UK and shall be subject to non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the UK;
"Website, service or Internet resource" - a set of electronic documents in the form of an electronic program on the Internet, containing information offered to users, which has one owner and manager, located on the Internet at a specific address;
Terms not defined and/or listed in the text of this Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with applicable law and/or the widely used meaning and interpretation of such term on the Internet.
2. Subject of the contract
2.1. The contractor undertakes to provide the user with services for the promotion (packaging) of the user's content (advertising services) in social networks and/or for the purposes (purposes) of social user services, growth /or development of the development number of the profile. Users, Subscribers, User Ratings, Likes, Classes, etc.
The exact scope of the services, as well as the type of resources and/or social services on which it is necessary (to be carried out) to promote the user's content, is determined by the client independently, but only on this basis. Service delivery options offered by the contractor. Choosing the scope of specific services and paying for these services constitutes the conclusion of this agreement and entails the obligations of the parties to perform the agreement;
2.2. The contractor's services are provided in accordance with the terms of this agreement, as well as the general rules of service provision, which are an integral part of this agreement;
2.3. The contractor does not provide services for the promotion of erotic, pornographic content of the client, as well as for the purpose of encouraging advertising content aimed at encouraging Internet users to purchase / consume / use / store / illegal trade in narcotic and/or psychotropic substances, weapons, alcoholic beverages. Beverages, tobacco products, witches, wizards, fortune tellers, sports betting, gambling, services of affiliate programs, as well as other items (tools, products, preparations, products), the circulation of which is restricted or prohibited by applicable legislation;
2.4. The contractor has the right to refuse to promote the content to the user, if he believes that this content may violate the rights of others or is suspicious, i.e. created for illegal profit making;
2.5. The Contractor shall perform the Services strictly in accordance with this Agreement. Stages of service provision are technological processes. It is not allowed to change their method, volume and/or mode of payment at the stage of service provision.
3. Rights and obligations of the parties
3.1. The contractor has the right to provide (provide) services to the customer both personally and with the involvement of a third party, without obtaining additional consent from the customer in this regard;
3.2. The customer undertakes to pay for the services ordered by the contractor in the amount, in the manner and under the conditions provided for in section 4 of this agreement;
3.3. When ordering the promotion of content, the user is obliged to ensure the availability of the content at the link specified by him on the Internet for the entire term of this agreement. The contractor is not responsible provided that the resource on which posted content does not work, also due to the absence and/or blocking and/or deletion of user content by a third party or the user himself.
3.4. The user does not have the right to remove the content during the service delivery without the consent of the contractor during the entire term of the contract;
3.5. If the user does not comply with the provisions of clauses 2.3, 3.3, 3.4. The contract will result in the inability of the contractor to provide services, and the customer has not notified the contractor of the occurrence of these circumstances, the contractor's obligations are considered fulfilled and the amounts paid by the customer. The provision of services is not remunerated;
3.6. In the case of deletion (blocking) of user content by the user and/or third parties and its subsequent restoration, the contractor has the right to unilaterally suspend the provision of services and/or extend the term of their provision for a certain period of time. It is necessary to eliminate the undesirable consequences caused by these circumstances or to refuse to provide further services to the customer (fulfillment of the contract) without returning the money paid by the customer to the customer;
3.7. The parties agree that there is reliable confirmation of non-compliance by the user with the provisions of clauses 3.3-3.4. of the agreement, is the official response (statement) of the technical support service of the Internet resource (service) to e-mail. resource (service), media reports, as well as analytical data of the contractor's employees;
3.8. The contractor also has the right to unilaterally increase the period of service provision in case of the following circumstances: - technical problems of the resource (service) on which the user's content is placed; - Implementation of filters and updates in the social network and/or social service that prevent the promotion of content; - Changing social network and/or social service algorithms that prevent the promotion of content.
3.9. The parties agreed that the reliable confirmation of the occurrence of the circumstances listed in clause 3.8 of this agreement is the official response (statement) of the technical support service of the Internet resource (service) on which the user content is posted, unofficial messages employees of the support service of the Internet resource (service), media reports, as well as the employees of the contractor analytical data;
3.10. The contractor undertakes not to take any action during the provision of services that may affect the client's business reputation.
4. Cost of providing services, method of payment and terms
4.1. The types and cost of the contractor's services are posted on the contractor's website in the "Services" section;
4.2. Payment for the contractor's services is made in accordance with this agreement before the start of the service. The contractor starts providing services on the condition that the client makes a full advance payment to the contractor's account, i.e. the full amount of service provision;
4.3. Payment under this Agreement is made by the Client using the payment methods available on the Contractor's website. The parties have agreed that the moment of the beginning of the fulfillment of the obligation to pay for the service by the user is the moment of acceptance of the terms of this agreement. The moment of the beginning of the performance of the contractor's obligations, as well as the entry into force of this agreement, is the moment of crediting the funds to the contractor's account. The contractor starts providing services to the customer within 24 hours from the moment of crediting the amount to the contractor's bank account. In order to make a payment, the customer must provide the necessary data. In case of making payments from bank cards and/or other bank accounts through payment systems (payment aggregators), the client is obliged to make sure that he has the right to dispose of funds on such accounts.
The client is also obliged to prevent third parties from accessing information that allows third parties to use customer accounts to pay for and order contractor services (bank card numbers, bank name, pin codes, cvv2 and cvc2 codes, etc.). The risk of unauthorized payment for the Contractor's services from the Client's accounts is entirely borne by the Client. The Client is solely responsible for unauthorized payments by third parties from its accounts for the Contractor's services. Payment for the Service from the Customer's Account(s) is acknowledged by the Customer, as authorized and performed by the Client in all cases. After publishing the order for the provision of services, the user is obliged to send an e-mail to the [email protected] with a text that confirms the fact of the order formation, as well as the fact of payment for the contractor's services.
This letter must be sent from the e-mail address specified by the customer to pay for the contractor's services in the payment system and also indicated by the customer when ordering the service on the contractor's website. The e-mail addresses specified in the payment system, on the contractor's website, as well as the address from which the order confirmation and the payment confirmation come, must match. If the corresponding letter is not received, the contractor has the right not to start providing services.
5. Liability of the parties
The parties are responsible for non-fulfilment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement in accordance with the applicable legislation and the terms of this Agreement. The parties undertake to resolve the disputes arising through written negotiations and compliance with the mandatory claim procedure, and if an agreement is not reached, the dispute will be referred to the court at the location of the contractor, unless otherwise expressly provided by the applicable legislation. In the event of jurisdiction of the dispute in the arbitration court, the dispute shall be referred to the arbitration court at the location of the contractor. When the customer sends a claim to the contractor, the customer is obliged to attach to it the essence of the claim confirming documents. Complaints are submitted in writing only.
6. Force majeure circumstances
6.1. The parties are released from responsibility for non-fulfilment or untimely performance of the obligations under this Agreement, if untimely performance was impossible due to the occurrence of force majeure circumstances. The parties agreed to consider force majeure circumstances as external and extraordinary events that did not exist at the time of signing this agreement and occurred against the will and desire of the parties, the actions of which the parties could not foresee and could not prevent with measures and means that are justified and reasonable to expect from a party acting in good faith. Such circumstances include war and hostilities, epidemics, fires, natural disasters, actions and actions of governmental authorities, which make it impossible to fulfill the obligations under this agreement and are recognized as force majeure circumstances;
6.2. The party that declares the existence of force majeure circumstances is obliged to notify the other party in writing about their occurrence and expected duration no later than 5 (five) working days after their occurrence. The party that did not send the notification within the specified period is deprived of the right to address such circumstances in the future;
6.3. The term of performance of obligations under this agreement is extended by the period of impossibility of their performance due to force majeure circumstances.
7. Duration of this Agreement
7.1. This Agreement shall be effective from the moment of acceptance of its terms and receipt of funds to the Contractor's bank account for the Contractor's services and shall be valid until the parties have fully fulfilled their obligations;
7.2. Before the expiration of the contract, the customer has the right to terminate it early, at least thirty calendar days in advance to notify the contractor. In case of premature termination of the contract at the initiative of the customer, the amount received by the contractor for the provision of services in this case will not be reimbursed even if the contractor was unable to fulfill all obligations under the contract;
7.3. In case of termination of this agreement for any other reason, the parties are obliged to fulfill all obligations arising up to that moment;
7.4. The contract is signed for a period of 1 month.
8. Privacy
8.1. The parties undertake to protect the confidentiality of the information received from each other or known to them in the performance of their obligations under this agreement, as well as the confidentiality of knowledge, experience, know-how and other information that is specifically provided that they it is confidential. The parties undertake not to disclose or disclose, generally or specifically, such information to any third party under this Agreement without the other party's prior written consent;
8.2. The requirements of clause 8.1 do not apply to cases of disclosure of confidential information at the request of authorized bodies in cases provided for by law.
9. Additional Terms and Final Provisions
9.1. The parties agree that all notices under this Agreement (with the exception of claims) may be sent to the parties by electronic mail. The contractor's e-mail address is the address indicated in the "Contacts" section or in another relevant section of the contractor's website (e-mail: [email protected]). The Customer's e-mail address is the address specified by the Customer when ordering services on the Contractor's website. Letters and other documents received from the user from other e-mails are not accepted and are not considered by the contractor;
9.2. In case of change of name, location, bank details and other data, each party is obliged to inform the other party in writing about the changes within five days;
9.3. In all other aspects, which are not provided for in this agreement, the parties are guided by the applicable law.
General information and additional rules for providing services:
The server, domain and all available payment aggregators are documented.
Remember! When using our service, it is not acceptable to parallel, i.e. Simultaneous work with the same content using similar services. This action destroys the counters of social networks and social services, and can lead to the "banning" of content, groups, pages and other sites, and also will not allow you to track the exact execution of the order.
The services we provide are placed on our website in an accessible form and do not cause ambiguous interpretation. However, if the content, type, method, timing, etc. If it is unclear, you can ask our managers for clarification by sending a letter to the email address specified on the site (email: [email protected]). Services not specified and/or not listed as available services are not provided by us.
We do not work with closed groups, profiles and other sites. Therefore, if you close the specified site during operation, we will automatically stop the execution of the order. In this case, the amount paid will not be returned.